Saturday, February 11, 2012


I'm engaged! No, not like that. Teresa and I have over 30 years of marriage under our belts, so that clearly cannot be my point here. What I mean is that I am engaged in a mental tug-o'-war with Jim Collins' discussion of "Good To Great" (see my previous post). So far, I really like his research and the findings extrapolated from it. He's stretching my thinking at the intersection of business and church health. And that leads me to this appeal for reflection from you, the reader. "What might Crestwood Baptist Church be the best at?" I look around at all the churches in this area and wonder what causes people to choose one over another. Or, worse, why do some people choose not to attend any church? And, more to the point, I wonder what CBC offers (or might offer) that no other church in our area can offer at the same level? Preaching? No, there are many good preachers around here. Music? Well, maybe, but there are some churches who really excel in this area, I'm told. Youth Ministry? Children's Ministry? Equipping? Mission work? If you happen to be a little put off by the question, then welcome to my world and that mental "tug-o'-war" I mentioned. Is it wrong to seek to the the best at something when it comes to church? Allow me to reframe the question: Which area of our church life are you comfortable saying to God, "That wasn't important enough for us to emphasize and seek excellence in." It's worth thinking on and discussing.


  1. At Cody's over Thanksgiving read "Jim and Casper
    Go to Church." It was a quick read but really enlightening. An evangelist, Jim takes an athiest friend with last make, Casper across country to many of the churches. Some were well known and some small. Jim wanted Mr. Casper's input and critique on each type. It was really thought provoking and worth looking at an outsider's perspective. The athiest did say, can you just get to know me and spend time with me for just who I am and perhaps even befriend me. Wow! This may just muddy your thoughts, but thought I'd share. Be blessed my friend.

  2. Years ago, I took the "gifting" test to confirm what my God given gifts were. The results were not a surprise but it was still neat to have confirmation. Ever since I've been trying to focus on using and growing within my gifts as opposed to spending a bunch of time, effort and frustration over things that I am not naturally gifted to do. Anyway, this reminded me of that... I wonder if we did a survey of gifts in our church what would be the result. Our old church did that and the results were very interesting and empowering too. Enjoying your blog :) - D.

  3. p.s. are you connected in any way with other pastors in the area? I've always wondered if there's any fellowship amongst pastors. Perhaps, you can ask them what they think their church's strength is. I know Woodcrest Methodist hosts a couple of community wide annual events that many churches attend and I always find it interesting and fun to interact with other denominations.

  4. Great thought provoking questions! If God is at work in the hearts and lives of His people, others will stop and take notice. Churches can have some pretty awesome and amazing programs, but if God is not in it all, there will definitely be a void.
